The U.S. Justice System Has Failed Black America Again & Now White America is Feeling It
The latest jury decision that brazenly allowed the Kenosha County, Wisconsin killer to walk free is proof positive that the American justice system has failed.
And the judge’s demeanor only highlighted the obvious — we need judges who can discard their white lens and deliver justice equitably (
But Black America knew that already.
Now white Americans are finding out that if they support an equitable and just democratic society as well as #BlackLivesMatter (BLM), they become targets of white supremacist vigilantes — and their deaths will not be avenged by the American justice system.
Sidebar to POTUS Biden, you got it wrong big time. (
Take off your white man blinders — the judicial system does NOT work! It is truly broken! I suggest “no comment” next time or hire some #BIPOC press people to review your statements before you put your very white presidential foot in your mouth!
True story: a white supremacist young man (Kyle Rittenhouse) goes to a #BLM protest rally with a gun! Somebody dies! No sh*t! That’s the punchline.
Those who carry guns expect to use them.
There is no authentic self-defense justification that can be used to make shooting unarmed protesters ok! And yet, a 99% white jury — clearly his peers — felt he was justified in killing and wounding unarmed white young protesters. No safe space if you are protesting for anyone — Black or white! You are taking a risk!
Rittenhouse defense lawyers used the same, lame phrase that white policemen use to justify shooting unarmed Black children, Black women, and Black men: “He feared for his life.” Even though, Rittenhouse was armed, and even though he came from out-of-town looking to disturb and confront protesters at a #BLM rally he didn’t believe in.
In other words, Kyle Rittenhouse, was like a western gunslinger just itching for a fight. And he was gonna get what he came for — another notch on his proverbial white supremacist belt buckle — one way or another.
Rittenhouse claims he heard a gunshot and acted in “self-defense.” Gun Reflex — if you carry a gun, the odds are 99 to 1 (and I am not a betting woman) that you will use it, even if the situation didn’t require it — gun reflex takes over.
But no evidence of another weapon was ever found. No other shooter was arrested.
Rittenhouse heard a sound, which he “believed” to be a shot, and responded with his gun. In firing his weapon, Rittenhouse fulfilled his mission — one articulated by the Proud Boys: “stand back and stand by” (
Traveling from Illinois all the way to Wisconsin, with a “semi-automatic AR-15 style rifle ”— and being in close proximity to a rally in whose cause he did not believe, civil unrest over the police murder of Jacob Blake ( — Rittenhouse was “standing by” and came prepared!
His reason for being present is clear — to do harm to those with whom he disagreed with ideologically. Why meet the protestors on their own turf? Why insinuate yourself in their midst, unless the purpose was to disturb their peace?
That was his mission, influenced by the 45th and Proud Boys,” all along. Why else bring a gun, if not to disrupt and destroy?
And the police at the time of the incident greeted a young white man, clearly armed with a rifle, amidst a #BLM protest rally, with acceptance and unofficially endorsing him — even handing him a bottle of water, after he explained he just shot someone.
Rittenhouse walked casually with his hands up in the air, carrying a rifle in one, confident that he would NOT be shot by his white comrades in arms — the Kenosha County police.The police displayed white solidarity with ham, and did not arrest him, proving that white supremacy is a “whites only” membership social club.
White people are automatically enrolled at birth — and those who don’t subscribe to white supremacy and racist thinking, have to work like hell to unsubscribe.
Among the club’s membership, racial hierarchy thinking is so pervasive that it’s considered “normal,” even by white law enforcement. In such a white supremacist worldview, it’s ok, even expected, for white people to be openly armed.
Had Rittenhouse been Black and openly carrying a gun — no water, he would have been greeted with. bullets first from the police; then questioned. afterwards, if he was able to talk.
Remember those cases of white policemen wrongly killing, wounding, or arresting Black undercover police simply because they were Black men with guns?!
Black people, in the mindset of white supremacist police, NEVER have a justifiable reason to be armed!
Lives are changed forever by Rittenhouse’s actions — two white protesters were killed and another wounded trying to make America a just and equitable place for ALL Americans.
There is also Kyle Rittenhouse. He must live his life as an un convicted killer and carry the knowledge that he literally got away with murder!
Caveat occisor (killer/murderer beware).
I believe there are balances in the universe, and that karma has a way of catching up with people, who may delude themselves that they have escaped justice, and hold them accountable.
Keep Watch! Let’s see what happens with the Arbery trial. Will the American justice system fail us again?
Late Update: A jury with similar composition to Rittenhouse (eleven whites and one Black), found the Arbery murderers guilty in Georgia!
There is HOPE!
(c) 2021 Irma McClaurin ( / @mcclaurintweets