Beyoncé, Bey Bey, Pleeze! Stop perpetuating the colorism myth of interracial “Love.” Don’t know what “myth” your family fed you, but let’s analyze the circulating story of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson. She is now referred to as his “mistress.”
That is a boldface lie. Sally Hemings was property. In a power relationship of Master and slave, can there be real “love” when the slave girl has no choice? She can’t run; she can’t hide. Your ancestor’s Master may have “fell in love” with her — but what choice did she have?
Sally Hemings was the slave of Thomas Jefferson’s wife . When his wife died, Jefferson not only inherited Sally, but he took her to his bed. She was only a child of 14 years old, though some say she was older. We call men who sexually abuse children that pedophiles today!
Also, Sally was the half sister of Jefferson’s wife. Yet her father (who raped Sally’s enslaved mother) and her half sister (Jefferson’s wife) both kept her enslaved! Thomas Jefferson, a president of the United States for whom Hemings bore several children, did free them, though after “several decades” according to the Monticello website. However, Sally remained a slave, even after Jefferson’s death. Now what’s love got to do with it?
Newsflash! The majority of Black women under slavery were not the recipients of “love.” They were the victims of rape & abuse. They were made to mate with any Black man, including their own sons, if the master thought the offspring woukd have value. Where do you think the term mutha*ker (motherfu*ker) came from in the American lexicon?I LUV you Beyonce, but girrlfriend, please… stop romanticizing mixed-race sex! It may have worked for your ancestor — but people do lie.
If true, your ancestor is the exception and not the rule. Read the slave narrative of Linda Brent — aka Harriet Jacob — who hid in a cellar for years to escape the “love” (e.g., sexual harassment) of her master. That ain’t love! And let us not forget Sally Hemings ! I suggest you interrogate whether that “love story” you been fed passed down for generations a cover up? And, please my sistah, do not let dominant media use it to sanitize the sexual abuse and violence perpetrated aganist Black women in slavery that continues today!
The Monticello Museum denied Hemings up until DNA proved that she fathered children for the great Thomas Jefferson; and those descendants still live in Charlottesville, VA! And they also have exoerienced the historical inequality of white CVille that uses proximity to Jefferson and his found of the University of Virginia as its legacy. Yet NONE of Jefferson’s descendants have benefited.
I love you Beyoncé. You a “BadMammaJamma”, but I have 18% European DNA. Less than yours I suspect, but proof positive that the majority of Native-born Black people in America (#ADOS or African descendants of slaves) are a hybrid people who CHOOSE to be BLACK!
The old “one-drop ” or “hypodescent” rule ensured that children born of a union between a slave woman and a white man would always be slaves — hypo, meaning subordinate, inscribed a child’s descent to that of the lesser class, evem though the baby was 50% Black and 50% white. And, regardless of whether she carried her father’s feature of blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes — still a slave because her mother was one.
As Harriet Jacobs tells us in one of the few enslaved slave narratives written by a Black woman, who hid for 7 years in an attic, she was sexually abused by the Master and then physically punished by his wife because of his attraction to her. Love had nothing to do with sexual relations under slavery.
So get a grip #Beyonce! Stop buying into white America’s race mixing fantasy, as if your story will make all the majority stories of violence against Black women then and now, police violence against Black people, lynchings. slavery — and the persistance of racism disappear.
It ain’t gonna happen!
Move your ass; be biracial, if it rocks your boat.
But do not delude yourself that racism in America is better because you choose to elevate your whiteness. The rest of us, even with some white DNA coursing through our veins, do not have your light-skinned privilege, so we must contend with being told “…you’re pretty for a Black girl,” or “my dick is not attracted to Black girls,” or being asked “is that your real hair,” if it is straight or curly-kinky.
You are promoting magical white thinking. And, you have become a sterling example of what 21stC colorism looks like.
Get a grip Beyoncé-you Black and yo kids be BLACK!!